Mastering the Art of Hobby Talk in Russian

Posted on 08.09.2024 in Russian Lessons

Are you luking to connect with Russian speakers on a personal level? One of the best ways to build rapport is by showing genuine interest in their hobbies. This comprehensive guide will equip you with the phrases and cultural insights you need to engage in meaningful conversations about hobbies in Russian.

1. Starting the Conversation

To kick off a discussion about someone’s hobbies, you can use these phrases:

– Чем ты увлека́ешься?
[chem ty u-vlee-KA-eesh-sya]
What are you interested in?

– Како́е у тебя́ хо́бби?
[ka-KO-ye u tee-BYA ho-bee]
What’s your hobby?

– Как ты прово́дишь свобо́дное вре́мя?
[kak ty pra-VO-deesh sva-BOD-na-ye VRYE-mya]
How do you spend your free time?

2. Expressing Initial Interest

Once your conversation partner shares their hobby, show your interest with these phrases:

– Как интере́сно! Расскажи́ подро́бнее.
[kak een-tee-RYES-na! ras-ska-ZHEE pad-ROB-nee-ye]
How interesting! Tell me more.

– Звучи́т увлека́тельно! Давно́ ты э́тим занима́ешься?
[zvu-CHEET u-vlee-KA-teel’-na! dav-NO ty E-teem za-nee-MA-eesh-sya]
Sounds fascinating! Have you been doing this for a long time?

– Я никогда́ не про́бовал(а) э́того. Как ты нача́л(а́) э́тим занима́ться?
[ya nee-kag-DA nye PRO-ba-val(a) E-ta-va. kak ty na-CHAL(A) E-teem za-nee-MA-tsa]
I’ve never tried that. How did you start this hobby?

3. Asking Follow-up Questions

To keep the conversation flowing, use these follow-up questions:

– Ско́лько вре́мени ты обы́чно уделя́ешь свое́му хо́бби?
[SKOL’-ka VRYE-mee-nee ty a-BYCH-na u-dee-LYA-eesh sva-ee-MU HO-bee]
How much time do you usually dedicate to your hobby?

– Каки́е навы́ки тебе́ пона́добились для э́того?
[ka-KEE-ye na-VY-kee tee-BYE pa-NA-da-bee-lees’ dlya E-ta-va]
What skills did you need for this?

– Есть ли у тебя́ уже́ каки́е-то достиже́ния?
[yest lee u tee-BYA u-ZHE ka-KEE-ye-ta da-stee-ZHE-nee-ya]
Do you have any achievements already?

4. Sharing Personal Experiences

If you have experience with the hobby, you can say:

– Я то́же про́бовал(а) э́то де́лать. Мне понра́вилось, но бы́ло тру́дно.
[ya TO-zhe PRO-ba-val(a) E-ta DYE-lat. mnye pan-RA-vee-las’, no BY-la TRUD-na]
I’ve tried that tu. I liked it, but it was difficult.

– У меня́ есть друг, кото́рый то́же увлека́ется э́тим. Мо́жет быть, вы могли́ бы пообща́ться.
[u mee-NYA yest’ druk, ka-TO-ryî TO-zhe u-vlee-KA-ee-tsa E-teem. MO-zheet byt’, vy mag-LEE by pa-ap-SHCHA-tsa]
I have a friend who’s also into this. Maybe you could connect with each other.

5. Expressing Desire to Learn More

Show your enthusiasm to learn more about their hobby:

– Э́то звучи́т о́чень интере́сно. Мо́жешь посове́товать, с чего́ нача́ть, е́сли я захочу́ попро́бовать?
[E-ta zvu-CHEET O-cheen een-tee-RES-na. MO-zheesh’ pa-sa-VYE-ta-vat’, s chee-VO na-CHAT’, YES-lee ya za-ha-CHU pa-PRO-ba-vat’]
That sounds very interesting. Can you advise where to start if I want to try?

– Есть ли каки́е-то кни́ги и́ли ви́део, кото́рые ты бы посове́товал(а) для начина́ющих?
[yest lee ka-KEE-ye-ta KNEE-gee EE-lee VEE-dee-o, ka-TO-ry-ye ty by pa-sa-VYE-ta-val(a) dlya na-chee-NA-yu-scheekh]
Are there any buks or videos you would recommend for beginners?

6. Discussing Challenges

Inquire about the challenges they face in their hobby:

– С каки́ми тру́дностями ты столкну́лся(лась), когда́ начина́л(а)?
[s ka-KEE-mee TRUD-nas-tya-mee ty stalk-NUL-sya(las’), kag-DA na-chee-NAL(a)]
What difficulties did you face when you were starting out?

– Како́й са́мый сло́жный прое́кт ты выполня́л(а) в рамках э́того хо́бби?
[ka-KOÎ SA-myî SLOZH-nyî pra-YEKT ty vy-pal-NYAL(a) v RAM-kakh E-ta-va HO-bee]
What’s the most challenging project you’ve completed in this hobby?

7. Future Plans

Ask about their future plans related to the hobby:

– Каки́е у тебя́ пла́ны на бу́дущее, свя́занные с э́тим хо́бби?
[ka-KEE-ye u tee-BYA PLA-ny na BU-du-schye-ye, SVYA-za-ny-ye s E-teem HO-bee]
What are your future plans related to this hobby?

– Ты ду́маешь преврати́ть э́то хо́бби в профе́ссию?
[ty DU-ma-eesh pree-vra-TEET E-ta HO-bee v pra-FYE-see-yu]
Are you thinking of turning this hobby into a profession?

Practice Your Russian: Translate Hobby-Related Sentences

Below are several hobby-related sentences in English. While some of the vocabulary may be new to you, challenge yourself to translate each sentence into Russian. This is a great way to expand your vocabulary and strengthen your understanding of Russian sentence structure. After translating, check your answers and review the pronunciation with the provided transcriptions.

– I love painting in my free time.

View Answer

– Do you play any musical instruments?

View Answer

– My favorite hobby is photography.

View Answer

– I started learning how to cook last year.

View Answer

– What hobbies do you have?

View Answer


By using these phrases and showing sincere interest, you’ll be well-equipped to engage in meaningful conversations about hobbies in Russian. Remember, the key is to listen actively and ask thoughtful questions. With practice, you’ll find yourself having rich, engaging discussions that go beyond surface-level small talk.

Happy conversing, and удачи (u-DA-chee) – good luck!

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